Tag Archives: Hate

Faking – Not The Best Option

People love getting attention. And so they love being popular. I mean, who doesn’t love all this? Some people get all this attention, friends and popularity because of their personality or who they are for real, while others try various ways to attract attention towards them. The most popular way? Faking.

People fake their personalities completely just in order to get popular or make friends. They dress in ways they never thought they would have, they talk in ways they never would have even thought of, they do all those things which they would have probably avoided before. People even get into things like smoking, alcohol and drugs because of this. Underage partying is just an understatement. They try to turn themselves into people they completely aren’t just to get attention and popularity or even friends. Doing such things isn’t uncommon in the world we live in today. It can be seen everywhere. You see your own friends change drastically over time and not for the better, but for a lot worse. Now, there are two kinds of faking – one is you portray yourself as a different person, while the other is that you try to hide something about yourself and hence you appear to be a different person. The first one works great for sometime. You make good friends, you socialize, you get all the attention you wanted, you are surrounded by people you love, and the list goes on. You should completely stop and think for one second. You think these people truly love you? You think these people are your true friends? You think they would still be your friends if you hadn’t become whom they wanted you to become? NO. They love the person you APPEAR to be. They are great friends with the person you FAKE to be. They are only there because of the person they think you are, not because they genuinely love you. If you show them your real self, hardly anyone of them would remain with you. Leaving them aside, are you happy with yourself? The person you’ve become? Did you ever think you were going to turn out this way? You changed yourself on purpose just to get attention. Does that seem legit at all? Do you really love yourself, forget others? All those good girls turn into bitches and sluts, and all those good guys turn into absolute jerks and flirts. Is this seriously who you want to be? You might get a lot of attention, but not even half of it is good attention. You don’t know how much bitching actually goes on behind your back. 

The latter, which makes you appear as a different person is something, I think, almost everyone does. There are some parts of everyone’s lives which they wouldn’t want the world to know, and hence they pretend to be really happy or content other than coming off as unhappy people. This isn’t actually faking, it’s more of protective oneself from all the judgement there is present in this beautiful, little world. I do this all the time. On the days when I am the saddest, I smile the most. There are things about my life which only a few people know, because others are just going to judge me, other than understanding the reason behind it. 

This world has reached a stage where you can’t exactly trust anyone, because you have absolutely no clue about who is faking and who isn’t. If you’ve got genuine true friends, consider yourself lucky. I personally believe that people shouldn’t fake and pretend to be people they aren’t just to “fit in”, rather be themselves and look for people who’d actually love you for who you are and have genuine friends rather than just ones who pretend to be your friends. All that attention will go one day, but your fake personality won’t. One day, you’ll look into the mirror and the reflection wouldn’t be of the person you were, rather of the person you thought you would never become. This is something you will surely regret and end being more lonely and alone than you were before. Remember, you’d rather have people who hate you for who you are rather than having people who love you for who you absolutely are not.

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